Murphy's Law of weddings... and just about everything else... states that if it something can make a bride cry by going wrong, it will! While having an emergency kit will not keep large mishaps from creating drama, being prepared for many of the little boo boos will keep everyone a bit calmer.
A tote bag with some of the following items can be stashed at the church or wedding venue, then transported to the reception by an appointed bridesmaid or member of the house party. This is not a job for the scattered brained. Ask someone who is great with details to handle this.
For minor medical issues:
· Small first aid kit including: adhesive strips, alcohol pads, anti-bacterial cream. Some kits include smelling salts, which can be an added bonus if you have a nervous bride or bridegroom.
· Pain relievers such as aspirin or Tylenol.
· Some sort of anti itch cream
For Bride and Bridesmaids dressing room:
· Needle and threads already threaded in the colors that match the bride's and bridesmaids' dresses. Several needles with each color and extra thread will make quick repairs seamless... pun intended.
· Extra panty hose for the wedding party in their sizes and colors.
· Talcum powder to offset sweaty days
· Deodorant
· Manicure kits including nail file, polish remover and the nail polish color(s) used by the wedding party as well as some clear polish for chips and nicks.
· Safety pins
· Duct tape... yes, duct tape because when all else fails, duct tape can be the answer.
· Scissors
· Anti-static spray
· Instant stain remover product
· Facial tissues
· Paper towels
· Disposable moist hand towels
· Antacid tablets
· Bottled water
· Simple snacks such as nuts, dried fruit, cheese and crackers
· Toothpaste and toothbrush
· Breath mints
· Trash bags
· Feminine Hygiene Supplies
For the Groom and Groomsmen dressing room:
· Talcum powder to offset sweaty days
· Deodorant
· Instant stain remover product
· Paper towels
· Disposable moist hand towels
· Antacid tablets
· Bottled water
· Simple snacks such as nuts, dried or fresh fruit, cheese and crackers, small sandwiches
· Toothpaste and toothbrush
· Breath mints
· Trash Bags
· Needle and thread with color of tuxes and shirts already pre-threaded to reattach wayward buttons and sagging hems
· A trusted mom, grandmother, aunt, cousin, etc to operate the items in the emergency kit if the Groom and the Groomsmen are 'emergency kit challenged'
Items that overlap between the two dressing rooms can be shared only if the rooms are in close proximity to each other, which is rarely the case. Searching for the needed product from a distance in the middle of a crisis only creates more stress. All of the items can follow the new couple to their home for future use. Grouping similar items such as pain relievers, antacids, etc into zipper style plastic bags will make grab and go retrieval easier.
Not all crisis can be anticipated or planned for, but some pre-thought into possible mishaps will allow you to avert some problems.
© Marilyn Baldwin Lewis
About the author: Marilyn Lewis is a professional Interior Designer with over 27 years of experience. an event planner, and owner of the online retail shop which features favors, decorations, invitations and gifts for parties and events. Marilyn has been been planning, designing and executing weddings, fundraisers, debutante parties, birthday and corporate events for her clients for more than 20 years.
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