Monday, June 20, 2011

Organic Dried Fruit - The excellent salutary Snack?

Is organic dried fruit the exquisite wholesome snack? It may well be. If you are trying to lose weight, feel better, eat more foods that are very nutritious and rich in antioxidants, fruit is one of the keys. There are several reasons why eating dried fruit is a great idea.

One thing many people don't pay enough attentiveness to is their snacking habits. What you consume in between meals can be just as important as your main meals. It's all too easy to get in the habit of munching on fattening and unhealthy 'foods" like chips, pretzels, candy bars and donuts while the day. These snacks are usually very easy to find, either from shop or vending machines at your place of work. These snacks are usually high in sugar, sodium, artificial ingredients and unhealthy fats.

Dried Fruit

Fruit makes an exquisite substitute for such non-nutritious snacks. They are high in natural sugar, as well as antioxidants, which have been shown to be good for whole health and the prevention of many diseases. While fresh fruit is nutritious and refreshing, it's not always practical. Your favorite fruits are not always in season. Fruit can be either under or overripe. If you like bananas, for example, you've probably had the perceive of a forgotten banana turning mushy and leaking into your car seat, pocketbook, backpack or carrying case!

Organic Dried Fruit - The excellent salutary Snack?

Dried fruit is always in season and is convenient to carry. If you are going to start eating more dried fruit, it's good to look for the organic variety. Regular dried fruit often has added sugar, which you for real don't need and counteracts the health benefits of natural fruit. Non-organic dried fruits may also contain chemicals and artificial ingredients.

You can find approximately any variety of dried fruit. You may want to look for a mix that also contains nuts, which are a great source of protein and wholesome fats. Or you can buy your favorite dried nuts and fruits separately and originate your own mix. These can be conveniently carried to work, school or in the car, train, bus or plane.

Children can also learn to love dried fruit, though if they are accustomed to candy it may take some reconditioning! If you have kids, this may be a task worth getting started on, however. Too much sugar has been connected to many problems with children, such as hyperactivity and difficulty in concentration. If your kids are hooked on sugar, don't try to get them to quit cold turkey. Introduce healthier snacks into their diet and gently get them to think of sweeter things like candy bars as extra treats rather than something they eat throughout the day.

Introducing something like organic dried fruit into your diet may seem like a small step, but it's something that can make a real incompatibility in your health and well being. For you are not only getting the many benefits of fruit in your diet, you are losing the many unhealthy substances that you can cut back on as you make this wholesome switch.

Organic Dried Fruit - The excellent salutary Snack?

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