Constipation not only leads to a general feeling of malaise but because the body becomes toxic can actually cause or exacerbate many ailments, including thumping headaches, spots, hypertension, heartburn, catarrh, arthritis and rheumatism. It can also make you extremely bad tempered. The simplest answer is to ensure that you eat a high fibre diet including fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly apples, pears and strong greenstuffs, plenty of live yoghurt and drink lots of fresh water. Cut down on refined foods, red meat, coffee and tea. Particularly avoid convenience and junk foods.
The most common causes of constipation are a poor diet, stress or the lack of the exercise and fresh air.
The oldest and simplest suggestions for a regular movement of the bowels varied from taking a glass of cold water morning and night, conversely, taking a hot drink and pipeful of tobacco after breakfast.
Cold baths daily vied in popularity with the 15 second icy cold sitz bath, whilst gentler souls fell back on the back on the old standby a spoonful of honey each morning or the ever-faithful ‘apple a day’.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 1
Elderflower tea Deliciously perfumed, it probably does more to make a fractious child feel cosseted and relax.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 2
Peach blossom drink One teaspoon of dried peach blossoms infused in a cup of boiling milk and drunk twice daily has got to be far more acceptable to a child than some things that I can think of.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 3
A Liquorice Tea
100g (4oz) liquorice root
1 litre (1 ¾ pints) water
Pinch of mallow flowers honey
Chop the root and put it in a stainless steel pan with the water. Bring to the boil and bubble for 15 minutes. Cover and leave to steep overnight then strain before using. Heat 1 cup as it is needed, infusing a pinch of mallow flowers in it for 10 minutes before drinking. Sweeten with honey and take first thing in the morning when needed.
Syrup of Figs 1
50g (2oz) dried figs
50g (2oz) raisins
50g (2oz) barley
1.5 litres (2 2/3pints)
15g (1/2oz) liquorice root, chopped
Bring the fruit, barley and water to the boil then simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Add the chopped liquorice then cover and leave to stand overnight. Strain, bottle and keep in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon when needed.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 4
Rosemary, hyssop, fennel, marjoram or camomile oil A child will feel a lot happier when its poor wretched tummy is given a soothing rub with sweetly scented oil. A few drops of any of these essential oils diluted with sunflower or olive will relieve tension and encourage bowel movement when rubbed gently into the abdomen. A drop or two of camphor may be used in conjunction with another oil.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 5
Castor oil and orange juice One tablespoon of each mixed together and taken at night is better than liquid paraffin or cascara.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 6
Salts From Glauber’s and Carlsbad to Andrews and Epsom, these are all effective.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 7
Olive oil One teaspoon of live oil or any good vegetable oil take each morning will lubricate the system.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 8
Bran Two teaspoons daily may at first have a dramatic effect but taken every morning, sprinkled on cereal, with ensure a regular movement. Small children may be given in small quantity.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 9
Blackstrap molasses Full of vitamin B, take it in milk, fruit juice or water.
Honey and hot water Use in the proportions of 1 tablespoon to 1 cup of hot water.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 10
Lemon and honey Squeeze the juice of ½ lemons into hot water with a pinch of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of honey.
Home Remedy for Constipation no. 11
Slippery elm Mix the powdered bark to a drink with warm water and honey.
Iceland moss Sip the water from gently cooked Iceland moss.
Diet and Drink
Prunes and figs As tradition relates both these dried fruits have amazing laxative properties and are delicious eaten as they are. However, if you wish to cook them place them in a deep bowl, cover with boiling water and leave to stand overnight. Drink the liquid and then eat the fruit.
Plain live yoghurt Children will need no encouragement to eat these two very pleasant breakfast dishes: apricots mashed with honey and mixed into bowl of yoghurt; shredded raw apple, honey and yoghurt with or without a sprinkling loan.
Rhubarb Stew with honey then eats or drinks the juice from the cooked fruit every morning.
Baked potato in its jacket Eaten plain, including the skin, this will relieve constipation and is also remarkable effective in easing migraine.
Apples As well as taking the popular ‘apple a day’ uses them in salads and desserts. The following is a particularly good recipe as horseradish has a cleansing and purifying effect on the system.
Apple with Horseradish
1 crisp eating apple
½ teaspoon freshly grated horseradish lemom juice
1 tablespoon yoghurt or sour cream
Grate the apple and mix it with the remaining ingredients.
For more information on Home Remedies for Constipation, Constipation Remedies visit – HERBAL HOME REMEDIES and Natural Treatments
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